
Wanna know what were saying?

Lacrosse is full of terms that you've heard before, and quite a few you haven't. Here are some as defined by US Lacrosse:

  • ASSIST: when one player passes the ball to another and it leads directly to a goal without the scorer having to dodge a defender.
  • BODY CHECK: contact with an opponent from the front — between the shoulders and waist — when the opponent has the ball or is within 3 yards of a loose ball. Not permitted at U9 and U11 levels.
  • BOX: an area drawn in both ends of the field surrounding the crease area. Also called the goal area or defensive area.
  • BREAKOUT: when the defending team gains possession of the ball, players spread out across the field to initiate a clear.
  • CREASE: a circle around the goal with a radius of 9 feet into which only defensive players may enter. DODGE: a move by the ball carrier to advance past a defender.
  • EXTRA MAN OFFENSE (EMO): a man advantage resulting from an opponent’s time-serving penalty. Also known as “man-up.”
  • FACE-OFF: this technique is used to put the ball in play at the start of the game, each quarter, half, or after a goal is scored.
  • FEED: a pass to another offensive player in an attempt to create a scoring opportunity.
  • FLAG/DELAYED WHISTLE: when a team in possession is fouled, a flag is thrown but no whistle will sound to stop play until the fouled team loses possession.
  • INTERFERENCE: a player can’t interfere with the free movement of an opponent, except when they have the ball or both are within 3 yards of a ball in flight or a loose ball.
  • LOOSE BALL: a ball that is not in possession of a player is referred to as a loose ball.
  • MAN-DOWN: the defense plays with at least a one-man disadvantage due to teammates serving penalties.
  • MATCH-UP: a call given by the goalie to tell each defender to find his man and call out his number.
  • MIDFIELD LINE: the line across the center of the field of play. ON-THE-FLY SUB: a substitution made during play.
  • PENALTIES: the penalty for a technical foul is loss of possession or 30 seconds. The penalty for a personal foul is 1-3 minutes and/or expulsion. Penalties can be releasable or non-releasable after a score.
  • PICK/SCREEN: an offensive maneuver in which a stationary player attempts to block the path of a defender guarding another player.
  • RELEASE: the term used by an official to notify a penalized player in the box that he may re-enter the game.
  • SCORER’S TABLE: the table and area between the benches at midfield where time and score is kept, penalties served and some substitutions made.
  • SHAFT: the stick’s handle, the shaft, may be made of aluminum, wood, or composite material and is connected to the stick head.
  • SLIDE/HELP: when a defender leaves his defensive position to help a teammate guard an offensive player.
  • STICK CHECK: using stick-to-stick contact to try to dislodge the ball.
  • STICK POCKET: the strung part of the head of the stick which holds the ball. Sticks with pockets not to specification may be removed from the game and may also lead to penalties.
  • TRANSITION: the change from offense to defense or defense to offense. This often involves clearing, moving the ball from your defensive half of the field to the offensive half of the field and/or riding, trying to prevent your opponent from getting the ball out of their defensive half. .

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